DiscordRespect Others
You must respect all users, regardless of how much you like them. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Do Not Use Inappropriate Language
The use of profanity should be kept to a minimum. However, any derogatory language directed at any user is strictly prohibited.
No Spamming
Do not send multiple small messages in a row. Do not disrupt the chat with spam.
No Pornographic/Adult/Other NSFW Content
This is a community server and is not intended for sharing such content.
No Advertising
We do not tolerate any form of advertising, whether it’s for other communities or streams. You may post content in the media channel only if it is relevant and provides genuine value (video/artwork).
No Offensive Names and Profile Pictures
You will be asked to change your name or picture if the staff finds them inappropriate.
No Direct or Indirect Threats
Threatening other users with DDoS, death, DoX, abuse, or any other malicious threats is absolutely forbidden.
Report Bugs
Report any bugs in the appropriate channel.
You Must Follow the Rules
You are required to follow the rules listed here as well as applicable laws (including Discord's guidelines, terms of service, Steam's privacy policy, and subscriber agreement).
Admin and Moderator Rights
Admins and Moderators have the discretion to Mute/Kick/Ban users. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, send a DM to an Admin, and we will resolve the issue.
Channel Usage
Each channel will have a pinned message explaining its purpose and how it works. If you don't understand something, feel free to ask!
Acceptance of Rules
Your presence on this server means that you accept these rules, including any future changes. These changes can occur at any time without prior notice; it is your responsibility to check for them.